One week to go until launch. However, that date, February 24th, is more of a soft launch for me. I’ll upload my final manuscript by Feb 20th, which the good folks at Miblart are editing for me now. On Feb 24th, I’ll start an Amazon ad campaign, and send a copy to a few friends, but the real launch starts on March 9th. That’s when I’ve signed up/paid for some promo sites to run my book as a 99 cent ebook for that week. I’ve heard this used to be a really good tactic, but over time more book promo sites have come along and flooded the market, and more authors have caught on to this tactic, and it’s not what it used to be, but it’s still something. I’m just glad that freaking Kindle Unlimited hasn’t taken over and crushed publishing like Napster did to the music industry, and that there is still a way to get some attention for a no-name at launch.
As for the reviews that have come in, you can go to my home page to see what the reviews page at the beginning of my book will look like (the first three, in case I have more by the time you’re reading this). I’m happy with them. So, at the end of the week of March 9th, I’ll see how I’m doing in relation to the Amazon Best Seller badge, and go from there.